Monday, April 20, 2020

I wouldn't say that you don't take yourself seriously.

The rights of people who don't have the power that your wealth confers on you are what you don't take seriously.

At this time, you are an exemplar of wealthy privilege, surrounded by other people who are either themselves suffused with wealthy privilege or too frightened or corrupt to challenge the perversions that those with wealthy privilege enjoy with impunity.  

You don't know what to say about what I have written over the past few days, do you?  Obviously I'm too intelligent for you or anyone else to continue to believe the dumb slut stories that you all tell yourselves as if they're captions under every frame of illegally filmed video of me.  Since I'm intelligent, and pursued unsuccessfully for years by wealthy, privileged men and women, and am impoverished, the mercenary femme fatale stories don't make convincing captions, either.  

Like everyone else who knows that I'm telling the truth about the voyeurism that has criminally victimized me and thousands of other people in the Boston area for years (some of whom might even be your friends, since you went to Berklee School of Music and they might have gym memberships), you don't want to think about how cruel and dishonest your behavior is.  That's what you mean by not wanting to take yourself too seriously.  You're zoning out because your mantras about how I'm evil and I deserve it aren't feeling so strong right now.  As soon as you think you have another piece of evidence to prove that I deserve to be the continual target of crime, your vagueness will dissipate and you'll be thinking of new ways to say the same things you've already been programmed to say.  

You're living with your parents right now, aren't you?

Why don't you confess the truth to them and ask them what they think you should do?