You can see from the video that he filmed of her that she really was afraid. She asked him to stop filming and he wouldn't.
People say things when they're upset that they wouldn't otherwise say.
Is anyone curious about why the media has gone after a white woman so aggressively for this incident?
I think she looks a lot like me. I think the media has jumped all over the opportunity to demonize a white woman and characterize her as a racist, because the media knows how bad things have really been since 2010 and does not want to take responsibility, acknowledge wrongdoing or put a stop to the massive, criminal victimization of the public by voyeurism and involuntary pornography that the media encouraged and has participated in.
Where is the media the rest of the time? Where is it from day to day? Reporting on economic, educational, political, housing and every other inequality based on race in the United States and around the world? No, it isn't. It hasn't. Decade after decade, it doesn't.
Ms. Cooper is the media's victim. She is the media's scapegoat for its own failures.
This is wrong.
When you are afraid of someone and you call the police, the police are going to ask you what the person whom you are afraid of looks like. They are going to ask you what race he is. They're going to ask you what he's wearing. They ask you those questions because they want to tell officers in your vicinity where you are and to recognize you and the other person.
I'm not saying that the police are never racist because they are. I can also tell you what most people don't know, which is that to have a stigma of mental illness means that the police don't believe you, either, and other people can abuse you right up to and including killing you and you will be blamed for all of it. That's my personal experience of stigma and the police.
From Google:
I do not support racism. I am also not so crippled by the fear of being called a racist that I jump on every bandwagon before someone can accuse me of being a racist.
I have been harassed by men of color many, many times in my life. I am much more tolerant of it than I am of harassment by white men. I am much more tolerant of black women talking about "white girls" right in front of me than I am of white people of any gender using disparaging language about black people of any gender. I am much more tolerant of black people speaking disparagingly about Jews than I am
of white people speaking disparagingly about Jews, Muslims or any religion.
Last but not least, of course he does, and of course the media felt that this was relevant reporting:
From Google:
All perspective has been lost. A situation is now being created in which white women are going to be afraid to call the police when they really are being threatened by men who aren't white.
Also, there are plenty of impoverished, white women who are racist. What's next, a moratorium on white women working in finance? There already is one on black women, although not officially.
When was the last time that anyone who is reporting about Ms. Cooper thought to ask about women and minorities in finance?
From Google: