Monday, September 3, 2018

President Trump

I don't, never did and never will believe that megalomania was the reason that you ran for President.  I think that you want what is best for the United States, and for the world.  

I don't agree with everything that you think.  The environment should be protected, the Second Amendment should be repealed and perhaps some of the people who are implementing policy change about immigration are being overzealous about it.  

The school year is starting; we have had a summer reprieve from school shootings, but I have no doubt that students and parents all over the United States are crying from fear every night about what could happen tomorrow.  

I also think that you and other world leaders have to intervene in Syria.  This is a turning point for the world, for government and political systems.  

You have to prevent all forms of the imminent attack on Idlib.  Mr. Assad should be stopped from taking even one more human life, no matter whose it is.  He forfeited his right to lead a country or an army years ago.  He is a war criminal, and he needs to be arrested and brought to trial.  

If there are terrorists to approach, others can approach them.