Saturday, February 16, 2019

Nobody who could stop the voyeurism and involuntary pornography is trying to have those crimes against the public stopped.

This is the most dispiriting thing that I have ever personally known a group of people to do; nobody, of the many people who know about the criminal victimization that is happening throughout the Boston area every day, feels a moral imperative to try to have it stopped.

It doesn't matter how many times I ask for help, does it?  It doesn't matter how many times I prove that my attempts to have the criminal voyeurism and involuntary pornography stopped are futile because neither the police nor others to whom I report these crimes believe me.  The police and everyone else to whom I have reported these crimes think that I am paranoid and delusional; they do not believe me, so they're not investigating and they're doing nothing about it.  Even the number of times that I am viciously retaliated against for reporting these crimes doesn't matter to the people who know that I'm telling the truth and who continue to think that these disgusting crimes are the funniest things they have ever heard of.

Why do the people who know that I'm telling the truth feel no responsibility for stopping these crimes?  What could they possibly think is funny about what they're doing to me and to everyone else, to all of the people who have no idea that they're being victimized, who have not consented and who would be horrified and angry if they knew?

What is wrong with you?