Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Senator Sanders was "a little bit busy."

Quote from January 3, 2019:

One of those woman is Giulianna Di Lauro, who worked as a Latino outreach strategist for Sanders. She told the Times of an uncomfortable day spent with a handsy campaign surrogate. When she reported the man’s behavior to a campaign higher-up, she was not taken seriously, she says:
When she reported the incident to Bill Velazquez, a manager on the Latino outreach team, he told her, “I bet you would have liked it if he were younger,” according to her account and another woman who witnessed the exchange. Then he laughed.
Jeff Weaver, who ran Sanders’s campaign in 2016, admitted to the Timesthat there were problems on his team. “Was it too male? Yes. Was it too white? Yes,” he said. “Would this be a priority to remedy on any future campaign? Definitely, and we share deeply in the urgency for all of us to make change.”


My response:

Isn't "Velazquez" a Latino name?