Sunday, March 24, 2019

Yes, let's not.

Yesterday's Boston Herald says "Let's not go to the tape," paraphrasing Robert Kraft at its front page.

The world is a sordid enough place without another sex tape.

I definitely don't support the tape being made public.

This is a quote from the Boston Herald article:


On Friday night, Kraft’s attorney, William Burck, told ESPN: “There was no human trafficking and law enforcement knows it. The video and the traffic stop were illegal and law enforcement just doesn’t want to admit it. The state attorney needs to step up and do the right thing and investigate how the evidence in this case was obtained.”


Again, I am struck by the contrast between the legal representation which a rich person can have and which I can't.  I don't know if anything that Mr. Kraft's attorney is saying is true or false; what I know is that his client has the money to hire a lawyer who is trying to defend him.

I'm filmed in the bathroom every day.  So are a lot of other people who don't know it.  THOSE are illegal videos.  Not only am I unable to hire anyone to defend my rights and the rights of all of the other, unsuspecting, totally innocent victims of this disgusting, vicious crime, years of my saying "STOP FILMING ME IN THE BATHROOM," without my ever saying anything to the contrary, are now established as the conglomerate's funniest joke.

All of that being said, and with full awareness that Mr. Kraft and his colleagues, employees and friends have undoubtedly known about and been amused by my chronic victimization and have been indifferent, at best, to the chronic victimization of everyone else filmed where the conglomerate has filmed me during almost a decade of conglomerate-induced destitution, I think it's all right not to publicize a grandfather's sex tape so that you don't embarrass his children and confuse his grandchildren.  It's really not a nice thing to do.