Saturday, March 9, 2019

You'd think that celebrities would be the last people to promote voyeurism and involuntary pornography, but they only care about themselves.

I don't even know what to think about this article:

Here's a quote from it:

The new rule encompasses any video or image showing a person naked or in a sexual act that appears to have been posted without their permission. The policy calls out anything posted for the "specific purpose of faking explicit content or soliciting 'lookalike' pornography." That would include these AI face porn mashups, known as deepfakes, which frequently target celebrities.


How was this rule even established?  Did celebrities pay lawyers to contact websites such as Reddit?

Yes, today is another atypical occurrence of my being at a loss for words.  I'll try to piece together the thoughts which are being scattered by my rage:

Not only are celebrities not at risk of being targeted for the type of prosaic voyeurism and involuntary pornography which their vicious promotion of these crimes has foisted onto the unsuspecting public in restrooms, locker rooms and people's own homes, CELEBRITIES ARE BEING PROTECTED EVEN FROM FAKE PORNOGRAPHY WHICH ONLY HAS THEIR FACES PASTED ONTO OTHER PEOPLE'S BODIES!