If so, then how do you suggest that I do that? If you think of something while you're watching me and EVERYONE AROUND ME, while you're not taking responsibility to stop these crimes, while you're not informing authorities or management of the places where these crimes are being committed, while you're sharing the illegal videos with your friends, while you're making money from this exploitation by writing ads and songs and movies and television shows and magazines and social media posts about what you're seeing, please let me know.
What about ALL OF THE OTHER PEOPLE WHO ARE BEING VIOLATED? What do you think that they should do, since they don't know that they're being filmed and I can't tell them because they will think that I'm paranoid and delusional?
Is the Santander Bank "Jack Squat" ad about me? Is it another joke about my pubic hair?
The conglomerate has spent the last year and a half filming me self-waxing in the showers where hidden, illegal cameras have criminally victimized me and EVERYONE ELSE WHO USES THOSE SHOWERS. I can't pay to be waxed some other way.
Either I don't wax and am ridiculed for having hair, or I wax and am ridiculed for waxing.
The conglomerate has no conscience. It has dehumanized me and EVERYONE AROUND ME for almost a decade.