Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Ed Sheeran

This is how I feel right now:

Please don't turn my having said that you're a fashion emergency into a personal crisis for me in which I am again bombarded left and right with accusations of attempted man-stealing.  When those start, nothing I say, and no ugly picture of myself that I publish, stop the conglomerate from increasing its victim-blaming for the sexual assault that it is committing against me and everyone else who uses the bathrooms that I use every day.

I don't appreciate being manipulated into triangles.  The conglomerate has turned a hypersexualized caricature of me into a mainstay of entertainment, which one male celebrity after another who doesn't know how or doesn't want to be monogamous has seized upon as a way out of being in a relationship with someone else.

I know nothing about your relationship except that you have known your partner for a long time and that she went to a college in the United States.

PLEASE do not portray me as being responsible for your life decisions.  I am NOT INTERESTED in dating you.

For me to say that Justin Bieber is braindead and perhaps should be legally prohibited from dating anyone until he's been mentally resuscitated is not a statement of love for Justin Bieber.  It's a statement of obvious fact.  I am NOT INTERESTED in dating Justin Bieber.