Monday, July 1, 2019

Justin Bieber

If she can live with having to tiptoe around her life with you because you're financially supporting your joint lifestyle, and you can live with her living under your identity because she hasn't forged an identity that's separate from you, that's your business.  "Identity," by the way, is not a synonym of the word "brand."  Her marketing products with your name is just the most obvious sign that she has spent years of her life wrapped up in the idea of being married to you, with no other goal.  

Also, I don't think that you realize how unattracted to me you would be in person.  Occasionally, I am not totally unphotogenic, but really good pictures of me at this stage of my life are one out of several.  I wish that you would think about the life that you have had since you were a teenager.  You're not used to spending time around regular people. Your idea of what an older woman looks like is an older woman who has the money to fix everything that I can't fix.  

Why would I lie about this? Is that a thing, are there a lot of homeless women in their mid-40s saying "Trust me, Justin Bieber and other guys your age and younger, you wouldn't want to date me?" 

I know what I look like.  I don't need to be reassured about it.  I also remember being young, when there were things that I thought were good ideas that turned out not to be.  

Also, if I'm going to weigh in on your controversy with Taylor Swift; you, Justin Bieber, seem to have an obsession with labeling women who object to being mistreated as looking for empathy or sympathy.  It's no secret to anyone outside your enclave and who isn't ignorant that you're part of a gang of chauvinist pigs.  You don't realize that because you live in a bubble of toxic misogyny, and your wealth shields you from consequences for your actions.  

That being said, Taylor Swift also knows that there are cameras in my bathroom and she's doing nothing to stop this disgusting crime.  

Yep.  You're all really selfish.  When you're old and ugly, nobody's going to care about you.  

Why doesn't Taylor Swift offer to buy her music from Scooter Braun, or why doesn't he offer to sell it to her? What she wants is control of her music, right? What he wants, or what he should want, is not to have this feud continue? Money's not the problem in working out that transaction, is it? Would you like to see a screenshot of my bank account?  No, I forgot; you all hack my phone, you know how much money I don't have.