Monday, July 22, 2019

They're no more outspoken than you are, President Trump.

What did anyone expect from electing young and youngish women?

They have a different perspective.  If American politics hadn't always been so homogeneous, these women might not feel the need to be so strident.  

The nicknames that you have casually distrubuted to other politicians are not nice nicknames.  You think you're being funny, but you make people angry when refraining from that type of casual, constant disrespect would not rile them up quite as much.  In that sense, you create problems that don't have to be there.  Your smug assumption that you're not doing anything wrong when you belittle people as a matter of course is a hallmark of wealthy, white male privilege, or of any dominant group.

It doesn't seem to me that you call people these things out of frustration.  It seems more as if you use that way of talking about them as a tactic to make other people disrespect them.  As far as I'm concerned, that's a tactic of someone who is insecure about his ability to be persuasive, or who is used to yelling to get his way.