Thursday, July 18, 2019

Why am I the industry's designated bad guy?

Is someone going to run that by me again?

I'm asking because, apparently, when the 17-year-old Billie Eilish isn't asleep, she is singing duets with the 25-year-old Justin Bieber about giving him blow jobs until her knees are bloody and about stealing him from his wife.

Both Justin Bieber and his manager announced that collaboration at their social media, so why they and Hailey Bieber are now sexually harassing me full-time is anyone's guess.

I think I know what's going on.  The entertainment industry doesn't like it when women fight back.  Once it has its sights set on you, your only options are to consent or not to consent to being sexually assaulted.  Neither option will prevent you from being sexually assaulted; to consent is lucrative and not to consent is life-threatening.  

Perhaps Ms. Eilish doesn't recognize the irony of her blind persona.  Since, like the majority of the industry's stars, the last thing she's thinking of doing is attending college, it will be years before she has the vaguest notion of what this is about.