Saturday, August 24, 2019

Enjoy your day, PrettyYoungRichWhitePeople.

What? Isn't wearing a college sweatshirt as good as having a college degree?  

What can they teach you in college? All of those people who have those degrees; they're just snobs who think they're better than everyone else.  We're probably wasting all of that money that we give to lawyers and doctors.  

The next time one of us commits a crime (that the media tells the public about, obviously watching unwealthy people in the bathroom every day doesn't count or someone would have done something about it by now), we're not going to give our money to those lawyers.  We're going to represent ourselves in court, and we'll probably do a better job.  

Hmm.  Having lawyers is convenient.  The price people like us have to pay for convenience; we're the real victims, the world just doesn't understand.  

We won't fire the lawyers.  Next time one of us needs surgery, we'll take care of that at home.  Drape some sheets, watch some videos of operations, play some tunes to have a rhythm going for the saw; we can even sew up the stitches like little hearts and publish pictures of them. That'll show all those judgmental people who's smart.  

WE'RE not judgmental, obviously.  The way that Lena is treated isn't judgmental; it's just what she deserves for being so unhappy.