Friday, August 23, 2019

Not much that Charlie Puth and Shawn Mendes could show each other that would give them more entertainment than the hundreds of women whom the conglomerate is watching in gym locker rooms every day.

Today at Google for Charlie Puth:

Today at Google for Shawn Mendes:

Shawn Mendes at Twitter:

The conglomerate has distorted reality and promoted crime for so many years that a generation of young celebrities is perfectly happy not knowing right from wrong.  

Shawn Mendes is a few years younger than Charlie Puth and more of an industry creation.  Charlie Puth was a little older before he was famous.  That's probably why he has twinges of guilt that people who spent what used to be called formative years being corrupted by the entertainment industry don't have.  

Mr. Puth also went to Berklee College of Music, so he has probably given more thought to the fact that Bostonians are being sexually assaulted by hidden, illegal cameras every day.

In terms of lust, I'm not really the target of the conglomerate's voyeurism anymore, other than as a means to control, degrade, subjugate and discredit me through vicious ridicule.  I'm the conglomerate's excuse for normalizing voyeurism perpetrated against anyone who doesn't have the money to sue.    

You're not supposed to have to buy your privacy rights.