Friday, August 30, 2019

Who's there for the cat?

I didn't watch this; I'm not trying to be unsympathetic, but all of the people who are being criminally victimized by hidden, illegal cameras every day have a reason to be crying, although they don't know it.

Even when he's not involved in criminal activity, Justin Bieber has a pattern of premeditating really awful things to say or do specifically to upset people.  Sometimes he feels guilty when he provokes the response he thought he wanted; frequently he doesn't feel guilty.

He doesn't ever seem to realize that, whether or not he feels guilty, this pattern is ABUSIVE.  Maybe he should read about emotional abuse, so that he can have a context for his actions.  

Also; why doesn't he just name the cat something else?  Maybe it's too late for him to think of other names for his clothing business, but the cat doesn't even know what a name is yet and he can call it something else without the cat needing counseling.  That's if he really wants to have another pet now; isn't there a celebrity pet orphanage?