All I have left is that I can walk down the street without having people all over me.
Charlie Puth reTweeted this today:
superman got nothing on me— FBE (@FBE) September 3, 2019
I can't really know what you're feeling; I am trying to be sensitive to what you might be feeling. It would help me right now if I did not have to worry about you or anyone else who is about 20 years younger than I am. Today was my Worry About You day.
Nice outfit. Much better, athough if I never see another bathroom in my life I won't cry over it. I don't think I know enough about hair to have a judgment about it; I don't know how to style my hair, nor do I want to take hours for it.
I think it would be a good idea if you started interspersing pictures of things that have nothing to do with you or your music career. I'm not criticizing you. I don't know whether or not you want to be a good photographer. It's an art form and self-centeredness is bad for art. Curiosity about the rest of the world is the difference between someone who is artistic and someone who is just talented.