Tuesday, October 29, 2019

This issue affects people who are of VOTING AGE NOW.

I'm mentioning that because my desperate appeals to reason and empathy have failed for almost a decade.



If this can happen to a politician, what does everyone who has ignored my protests for almost a decade think has been happening to regular people during all of that time? 

I have been treated as if:

-I'm just embarrassed and all I need is to be reassured that YEARS OF ILLEGALLY FILMED VIDEO of me in showers, bathrooms, locker rooms and my own apartments haven't stopped anyone from wanting to fuck me.

-I secretly enjoy being criminally violated and all of my protests about it are an unnecessary and hypocritical pretense at being a "nice girl."  My being subjected to two retaliatory eviction cases for objecting to these violations in two separate apartments and made homeless for FOUR ADDITIONAL YEARS because of that retaliation hasn't made a dent in the conglomerate's enjoyment of victimizing me or accusing me of asking for it.  

-My protests about the criminal violation of EVERYONE ELSE BEING ILLEGALLY FILMED in homeless shelters, psychiatric units and gyms are totally inconsequential.

-I am a lone voice.

I'm not a lone voice.  People all over the world have been hurt by these issues for decades.  


These are some of the results at the first page of Google results for "how to install a hidden camera in a bathroom":


There are voyeurism websites everywhere online.  Voyeurism is known to be a crime, but law enforcement does nothing.  
