Thursday, November 21, 2019

Charlie Puth

Why don't you figure out how to cope with rejection instead of lashing out?

I realize that there will be no consequence to you for lashing out at me.  Apparently, you think that your behavior toward me and toward other people WHO NEVER DID ANYTHING TO YOU is admirable.

Perhaps you even think that I owe you an apology for not using you as a sugar...nephew?

You know that I'm telling the truth.  You're not helping.  I don't know how you or anyone else who is aware of these crimes not only live with that knowledge but continue to think of ways to try to cast the blame on me rather than to take responsibility for stopping them.

I have never asked anyone to hack my phone or join the audience for the livestream of illegal video broadcast from my living situations.  Not one of you would submit to being treated the way that you have all convinced yourselves and each other it's admirable to treat me.