Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Charlie Puth



Are you trying to imply that I have ever met you, let alone have had sex with you, let alone was the first person that you had sex with?

When was the last time that you went 24 hours without lying? I'm not talking about the lying by omission of the shocking number of lewd, vicious, hypocritical, smug, vain, self-absorbed, undereducated or otherwise ignorant, overpaid cowards who know that I'm telling the truth and who decide every day not to corroborate it while you all pretend to care about anyone other than yourselves.  I'm asking you when was the last time that you spent 24 hours without thinking of a new lie and telling it to someone because it makes you feel powerful to make people believe things that aren't true.  

Everyone lies sometimes.  I think that you lie because you like to lie.