Sunday, November 17, 2019

Did you have an affair with Ben Affleck when he was married to Jennifer Garner?

I wouldn't be mentioning it, but the Google news section has prioritized your Instagram over many other world events today, so I thought I'd ask.



Why do you think that rumor about you hasn't been regurgitated, embellished and expounded upon for years the way that everything that anybody says about me has? 

It was nice of him to take his kids to that Taylor Swift concert, huh? Took them backstage to meet her and everything.

There were hidden, illegal cameras in the women's locker room of the YMCA near Tufts Medical Center in 2015; I was threatened with legal action by the manager of that YMCA for blogging about it.  The cameras might still be in that locker room.  What if there are also cameras in the men's locker room, the boys' locker room and the girls' locker room? 

What if it were your child being criminally victimized?  

I didn't know that Mr. Affleck and Ms. Stewart didn't end up doing this movie:

Why do you think that rumors haven't followed them for years, even though they didn't do it? 

Speaking of double standards for gender, wealth, power and those who profit from and for the entertainment industry versus those who criticize it, here's another double standard.  Despite the unchallenged stereotypes about homeless people, it's Mr. Affleck who has a drinking problem.  In 6 years of homelessness since 2011, I haven't had a drop of alcohol or used any illegal substance.  I haven't abused any prescription medications or been addicted to anything.  I haven't smoked a cigarette or anything else.  

Why is it that as soon as he has the least amount of sobriety, he decides to use his next movie to try to claw his way back to the top by launching another attack on me?  He knows he'll be supported by his industry for it; everyone knows it.  

As soon as I have a place to live, it's time to attack me again?  Not that people held off while I was homeless for another 2 years after losing my last apartment because EVERYONE who knew that I was telling the truth didn't corroborate it to authorities.  

Although the conglomerate has accused me since 2010 of manipulating celebrities so I can date or marry someone rich, it's not my impression that anyone who knows that I'm telling the truth about voyeurism and involuntary pornography criminally victimizing me or thousands of people in the Boston area likes the idea of my being successful independently of the entertainment industry.  If they wanted me to succeed without financial help from them, why didn't anyone corroborate the hidden, illegal cameras in my last apartment so that the retaliatory eviction case brought against me for my "false accusations" could have been stopped and I wouldn't have had to be homeless again?  I have never taken or asked for a dollar from any of them, nor have I dated, slept with, or met any of them.  

I'm their entertainment.  They don't even try to think of something else to do with their time; they have exploited me for almost 10 years with no consequences, and there's no sign now that they won't be able to exploit me and abuse the innocent, unsuspecting public for the rest of their lives.