Friday, December 27, 2019

Mr. Toy Story

Mr. Rogers.

Mr. "I'm Going To Save Democracy."

Are you going to say that you don't know anything about hidden, illegal cameras criminally victimizing innocent and unsuspecting people, first in Vermont and then in Massachusetts since 2011?

What about your 2016 movie, "Inferno?" Are you going to say that, in that movie, you didn't personally tell a joke about the shower voyeurism that has criminally victimized me and that you also didn't imply that female intelligence is synonymous with evil?

When did you start signing your Tweets "Hanx?"

At Google today for "Tom Hanks":

Your Twitter:

Everything's a movie for you, isn't it? Politics are part of your movie.  Other people's lives are part of your movie.  The criminal victimization of thousands of innocent, unsuspecting people is something that you think can, should and will always be reinterpreted as part of a movie in which you and everyone else who knows about it nonetheless are the good guys.  Deliberately misleading other prominent people so that you can use them is part of your movie; it's all part of the entertainment industry's movie, and you always win.  

Why didn't you call it "When We're All Lying Or Lied To?"  



Enjoy Greece.  You deserve it.