Friday, December 27, 2019

Ryan Phillippe

What was it like to be married to Reese Witherspoon?  I'm sure that she cared about you, but maybe not enough to balance her need to be first all the time and everywhere.

Is that why you hate and fear women now, not quite the way that the conglomerate has spent what will soon be a decade creating the conditions for me to hate and fear all men and a lot of women?

Although the 1999 movie "Cruel Intentions" was bad, this part was cute:

Life is all about trade-offs. Fortunately, you and your ex-wife can sleep happily at night, without hundreds of people watching you, knowing that the youthful innocence and charm which the entertainment industry took from you even as it marketed those qualities were replaced by genuine artistic maturity, personal and professional integrity.  My trade-off is that I am forced to eat the entertainment industry's feces every day while being free to be sarcastic about it.

I'll never date you.  I also don't sympathize with your emotional or intellectual problems or your grammatical difficulties; at this point, they are self-inflicted.