Saturday, December 21, 2019

Saturday Night Live should have been canceled years ago.



The voiceover for the music at the beginning says "Ho Ho Yay." I am sure they're not referring to Jennifer Lopez or any other lying, abuse-enabling sellout.  

Saturday Night Live is watching me in my apartment, isn't it? That's why there was the joke about burned toast; I don't have a toaster, and I burned some toast in the oven a few weeks ago.

How many NBC writers are using constantly, illegally filmed footage from my apartment for material? 

Are all the networks doing that?

What about all of the other hidden, illegal cameras in the Boston area? Are those also being used by networks for material for their shows? 

How many Boston-area residents, far more beautiful than I am, are being stalked online or even in person by people from the M&E Industry who have seen video of them illegally filmed in gym locker rooms? College women.  High school girls.  Maybe also male victims of these crimes.  

That industry self-righteously hurting me has been the excuse for a lot of things since 2010.  When is it all going to stop? How grotesque does it have to be?  

I'm glad that I've been trying to swear less in public.  I could have just characterized Ms. Lopez by joining "lying" to any number of impolite verbs.  That might have been more immediately satisfying, but not nearly so descriptive.  

She's also a disgusting and outrageous hypocrite, like so many people of that industry.

From Google: