Friday, December 27, 2019

This isn't writing.

It's rage.

I don't need to buy a ticket to know that the movie "The Gentlemen" is full of disgusting jokes about me, do I? 



It seems to me that the press is silent when it feels like being silent, and that its refusal to discuss the extent to which the privacy of regular people is increasingly and routinely invaded is not an accident.

If the press doesn't have to respect anyone's privacy, then it can turn anything into news without suing for access to protected records and without fear of repercussion except for its victims.







I don't want to forget to call Ms. Witherspoon a lying, greedy, hypercompetitive, backstabbing, victim-blaming, fake feminist again before the end of this year.  

Nobody has "changed Hollywood."  Hollywood is exactly the same, only more elitist, hypocritical, smug and full of itself than ever.