Friday, January 31, 2020

Could you all stop missing the point?

The voyeurism to which I and a lot of other people have been subjected for years is a CRIME.

Also, the scale of this crime is a HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE.

I feel the way that anyone would feel about being violated, but my feelings about it aren't the issue, regardless of how many years everyone who knows that I'm telling the truth has spent trying to make this about feelings instead of the fact that a crime has repeatedly been encouraged and committed.

It's not something that is outside of the control of the people who know about it to have it stopped.  It is outside of my control, because I have published pages about it for years and nobody has investigated.  I told the police when it happened to me in my last apartment; they didn't help me.  I sent anonymous text messages to Crime Stoppers Boston Police when I realized it was happening again in gym locker rooms; they did nothing.  Then I published pages with the contact information for Crime Stoppers, asking that someone corroborate it to them, and apparently nobody did.  

How many more times does everyone who knows that the cameras are real and not my delusion have to be told that voyeurism is a crime?   You already know that, so what is wrong with your consciences? 

This quote is attributed online to Leonardo DiCaprio:

Whether or not he said it, the quote sums up celebrity, as far as I can tell.  They have the money to avoid thinking about the glaringly obvious, and the M&E industry writes every story according to what makes the most money for that industry.  They all consider truth to be negotiable.