Sunday, January 12, 2020

Land of the rich men, home of the rich men

These are actually the first Google results for the term "Elizabeth Warren" after her campaign ad:


This is the analogous section of the page of Google results for "Bernie Sanders":


What was the Sanders 2016 Presidential campaign ad set to the Simon and Garfunkel song "America" about?  I can still see that ad in my mind's eye, with the music playing and a picture of Senator Sanders' face on the screen.  "They've all come to look for America.
All come to look for America."

Perhaps that was a coincidence, and the people who did that ad weren't making another of the interminable conglomerate jokes about criminally victimizing people with hidden, illegal cameras, first in a homeless shelter in Vermont and then, when I fled the lack of homeless resources in Vermont, in homeless shelters, hospitals and gyms in Massachusetts.

Plenty of black people, Latino people, Asian people, and people of other races and ethnicities have been victimized; the Obama administration did nothing to stop it, and neither has anyone else.  

Like many abuses, the problem started by victimizing the poorest, most vulnerable people and is working its way up the socioeconomic ladder.  Before that, the majority of targets for this type of crime were women; that hasn't changed, even though the conglomerate has spent a decade turning the issue from gender to money and power and the accessibility of law enforcement services for people with money and power.   
