I was born and raised in the United States. I am not committing crimes or inciting violence. I am not conspiring to harm others.
There is not and never was a reason for me to be subjected to the illegal, warrentless, intrusive, degrading surveillance that has devastated my life for a decade. It is all gratuitous, and the participants in these crimes don't even pretend that their amusement isn't their motivation.
The bargain that I made not to directly confront you about your knowledge of these crimes, hoping that you would realize that it's your moral and legal obligation to have them stopped, has not worked out. Syria is falling to Mr. Assad. You seem adamant about denying that I could have good ideas about anything, even when my amateur status allows me to talk about things in ways which professionals can't.
I have the right to free speech. You can't deny that.
If you don't like what I say, you don't have to listen, but you shouldn't threaten me.