Thursday, January 30, 2020

Tell Congress the truth.

Why else would I ask day after day that someone who knows that I'm telling the truth corroborate it to authorities who can do something about it?

There are hidden, illegal cameras in bathrooms, locker rooms, showers and homes throughout the Boston area.  You know that's the truth.  Please corroborate it.

Why don't you start by trying to DM Senator Warren and Representative Pressley, since these crimes have been happening in their state for years? If they can't be DM'd, let me know somehow and I will try to figure out what to do next.

If you are able to DM them, but they ignore you, then we'll know that Senator Warren does not have the character to be a good President.

These crimes CAN'T CONTINUE.  What if they were happening to you or to someone whom you actually cared about?

Hopefully, Representative Pressley is over her craziness by now, and she and Senator Warren are ready to take responsibility for investigating what I have said for years is happening in the capital of Massachusetts, at locations that are within walking distance of the Massachusetts State House.

They have all chosen not to believe me.  I don't know if you realize that.  They all would rather believe that I am paranoid and that I'm imagining the cameras.  While you and everyone else who know that the cameras are there have decided to believe that I like or deserve this degradation, all of these politicians have decided to believe that it's not happening.  Everyone has decided to believe what is less painful for him or her to believe, and in the absence of corroborating witnesses, there's nothing I can do.

The crimes of voyeurism against large groups of unsuspecting American citizens began during the Obama administration and were encouraged and treated like a joke by the conglomerate.  There is no Presidential candidate who is not guilty of negligence, at the very least, about this issue.

Without a doubt, Kobe Bryant knew what was going on, because all the stars in every media-dependent industry know.  Do you think that he would have let this happen to his daughters or his wife? Of course not, so why do you or anyone else think there's nothing wrong with it happening to other people?

When am I going to be let out of my prison? How many more years do I have to live like a caged, desperate animal?