Monday, March 16, 2020

Additional information

Today, I sent another DM to Alicia Nichols-Gonzalez, with some of the specific locations where I know that voyeurism has been perpetrated in the Boston area.

I hope that other people who know that I'm telling the truth are also sending her Direct Messages with as much specific information about locations and everything else pertaining to this issue as they have.

I also hope that the Democratic Party will address this crisis honestly.  It began when the White House had a Democratic administration and that administration should have done a lot more than it did to stop it.  However, the GOP was also aware of what was going on and also did nothing about it, and the current Republican President has participated in and promoted these crimes.

As the first and primary target of these vicious crimes, devastated by them while also struggling with extreme poverty and an unprecedented onslaught of sexual harassment, innuendo, and exaggerated gossip, I should not also have had to be the person figuring out what to do about it all.