Saturday, March 28, 2020

Don't read this guide; it will make you dumber.


What about growing hair on your hands?  That's true, isn't it? 


No self-respecting guide to this topic excludes the No Faggots explanation.  I'm not sure why this one didn't include a list of faggoty behaviors such as "Experiencing discrimination at work, because everyone knows if they didn't like it they would just stop being faggots," to reassure the anxious.


Although women should know how to masturbate gracefully because it's a turn-on for men, vaginas are so gross that every woman should stay as far away as possible from her own vagina until such time as she is called upon to act out her guy's porn fantasy.  Then she should run to the bathroom to wash or at least keep hand sanitizer next to the bed.


Never, under any circumstances, do anything that you might like more than intercourse.

Is there a copyright problem with this quote? Did "Sex For Dummies" plagiarize it from advertisements for vibrators?