At least that's not the only opinion that Entertainment Tonight included. However, to include it at all, and to characterize it as "support" when it is additional humiliation; these decisions are evidence of the callous attitude that the M&E industry has and encourages about voyeurism and public humiliation, particularly when the victims are women.
Here's another one, proving that women can be just as hateful toward women as men:
That was also shamefully characterized as "support" by Entertainment Tonight.
Those types of responses are probably what everyone who knows that I'm telling the truth about hidden, illegally cameras criminally victimizing thousands of people is counting on from the public when the public finally knows what's going on.
Here are some other responses, some of them unintentionally ironic, since there is not one star of the entertainment industry who does not know that I'm telling the truth:
At least the majority of the responses quoted by Entertainment Tonight express the average person's outrage and disgust toward the person or people who posted the video, the sense of unfairness, of gratuitous and irresponsible cruelty, and the irreversible and permanent damage inflicted on the victim.
News of the incident is trending as "poor jennifer." That's how I heard about it, by bringing up Google. It's there as an automatic search topic.
From Google:
The conglomerate could have spent a decade raising awareness to prevent this type of incident. Instead, it has spent a decade encouraging the conditions in which people eagerly victimize their coworkers.
The conglomerate has obviously convinced itself that I am to blame for being repeatedly, deliberately targeted for voyeurism. The conglomerate is so powerful and has so much control over how information is presented to the world that it's entirely possible that the conglomerate will be able to follow through on its plan to similarly convince the entire world that I like being treated so miserably, despite my years of blogging protests. How does the conglomerate plan to answer the public when the public knows that I'm not the only victim, when people start asking if they or people whom they know have also been victimized, when they start scouring the Internet for the years of illegal video that have almost certainly been livestreamed directly and in real time from hidden, illegal cameras in the bathrooms, locker rooms and showers of homeless shelters, psychiatric facilities and gyms to websites all over the world?