Saturday, March 21, 2020

I have really had it.

My capacity for reading and writing about atrocities and considering how to address them and other major world issues is much reduced due to a decade of intolerable stress and ongoing violations of my rights.

I also am having eye pain every day and probably should eliminate all screen time until I'm healed, but that's improbable.

Being emotionally incapable of processing a lot of overwhelming information means that I can't make detailed statements or even ask relevant questions.  I can be struck by the luxury that being an American is, even for the most impoverished.

I could forget the name of every country and person in these Tweets, and even the name of the person who Tweeted them, and there would be no significant impact on my daily life.  That's the tragedy of the United States' success as a country.  We're not heartless people.  We are coddled giants.