I'd say this was the right thing for them to do, considering that the entertainment industry operates on a star structure and provides no job security at any time to most of the people who work for that industry. When the virus scare is over, perhaps the industry will modernize its practices to be more equitable and considerate toward the people without whom its stars literally wouldn't have scaffolds.
Now me, with my little, unglamorous job where I earn less than a dollar above minimum wage, nowhere near enough to be respected by the multimillionaires and all the billion-dollar industries that think it's so funny when I'm homeless and can't turn the lights off in the shower or when I'm using the toilet, and who think it's so funny to watch me in every affordable housing situation which it takes years of homelessness to scrape together after being evicted for speaking up about my rights, I have had this job for six months. Although I'm not working because of the coronavirus, I can collect unemployment while I'm out of work and I won't be unemployed when the virus scare is over.
Oh, the free-spirited entertainment industry! Free of rules! Rules are for the petty, the small-minded, the cold-hearted, the less talented, the less sexy. Rules are for those who don't have the courage to be independent, not like the entertainment industry, which makes its own rules, do you hear? Nobody tells creative people what to do! How could the government even think about not helping when it turns out that the glow of fabulousness doesn't pay the bills for the people without whom the stars would not seem so very bright?
At least some of the stars have the decency, or maybe just the common sense, to ask the government to prevent destitution for their support staff.
I'd also say that this type of letter is something that a lot of people could have written to stop voyeurism years ago. They could write something like it now.
I don't have millions of dollars to protect my image, the way that celebrities do, and it shows. Here are quotes from Carey Martell, one...
Although my life is really awful, I am not in the dire situation described at the previous page. Unfortunately, I'll be 46 this summer...