Friday, March 27, 2020

Like the sexual assault allegation from Tara Reade never happened

I read the allegation.  

If events proceed as they seem to be planned, the United States will elect either a Republican pussy-grabber or a Democratic pussy-grabber this year.  

I'm the only one who is ever in trouble for that type of thing, apparently, even though I have never done it to me without my consent.  

Maybe Robert Pattinson will be Prime Minister someday, since his masturbation scene in "The Lighthouse" hasn't affected his career.  Maybe not.  Maybe there are stipulations that the grabbed genitals have to be female, they have to be someone else's, and it has to be done by force.  

If there are such stipulations, maybe he can work around them on the grounds that he has known about the voyeurism perpetrated against the public for years.  

Sarcasm aside, what are the messages?

-Donald Trump and Joe Biden are not only good men, they are exceptional men, leaders who should be running one of the world's most powerful countries, trusted to make decisions every day that impact millions of people, the fate of other nations and the course of history.

-While Robert Pattinson's acting decision has raised a few eyebrows, nothing bad at all has resulted for him and everyone who was talking about it stopped talking about it after a few weeks, so he's neither abnormal nor a bad person.  He's going to be Batman, a comic book hero, when the coronavirus situation is resolved and filming resumes.  

-I am a bad woman.  I am abnormal.  I am asking for it.  I am a freak.  I deserve to live without privacy.  I deserve to be ridiculed day after day and year after year.  I deserve to be the object of unwanted sexual attention no matter how many times I say that it's unwanted.  The most I ever deserve is pity, but usually I'm being too much of a bitch about everything for that, and even when I'm not being a bitch nobody is going to apologize or do anything to restore respect for my rights or other people's rights.

-They are good.  I am bad.  They can do what they want.  I have to do what other people want.  Their bodies belong to them and other people's bodies belong to them.  My body doesn't belong to me; it is up for grabs 24/7 for the rest of my life.  

Those are the messages.