Mr. DeVito has made a career out of not being attractive. Why did the industry demand that of him?
I haven't changed my mind that you should be the nominee rather than Vice President Biden. I just think that politicians don't criticize the entertainment industry as much as they should.
It also seems as if the M (media) from the M&E industry is planning the demise of your candidacy. Maybe I could have been more helpful to Senator Warren if I weren't mentally hobbled by the problems with which the M&E industry has surrounded me for a decade. It is also true that every politician should have done something about those problems a long time ago. I'm not lying or delusional about what the consequences to the public are of the conglomerate and its promotion of sexual harassment and human rights abuses that began when Barack Obama was President, continued during the rest of his Presidency, and was only stymied by the emergence of Me Too and the gymnastics scandal in 2017. The Obama administration did not do enough to confront these issues, and the voyeurism hasn't been confronted at all.
Innocent, unsuspecting people are being victimized every day. I'm not imagining that this is going on. My life also continues to be grueling and there doesn't seem to be an immediate solution. How I've been is probably how I'll continue to be. That's the goal of harassment; to prevent people from having control over their lives.