Friday, March 6, 2020

Someone give that girl a scholarship.

What about college for Greta Thunberg?

People who have unhappy grade school years often are happier at college.  It shouldn't be forgotten that she is a teenager and that people need to spend time with others their own age.  It is also not good to be without a formal education if you plan to continue advocacy.  I am a weaker advocate because I don't have the education that I think I need, but I am stronger as a person because of the years of college and other regular activities that I did have before I hit the fame stratosphere.

Prodigies are people.  Fame is not a healthy substitute for a personal life.

She doesn't need to spend a lot of time reading my old blogs to try to figure out what happened to me.  They are full of errors, although overall they are accurate about the corruption and negligence of the world's power structure since 2010.