Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Stop Vice President Biden from being the nominee, or SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT ME.

When President Trump was elected, I was realistic and reasonable.  My entirely accurate assessment that he was going to remain in office and the subsequent turning of my attention to international and domestic crises which he had the power to affect have been exploited every day by everyone who knew how miserably I had already been treated for 6 years by then.  I continue to be exploited by everyone who wants to deny my reports of crimes committed against innocent, unsuspecting people and everything else that I say that isn't a duplicate of someone else's opinion.

Sexual assault should disqualify people from being elected President.  The mainstream media is clearly going to bury the sexual assault allegation against Vice President Biden and so is everyone else who has exploited me or ignored my totally consistent reports of voyeurism for years.

