Tuesday, March 10, 2020

What a bunch of crap.


It's no more her calling than it is anyone else's calling.  She's attractive and ignorant enough to be acceptable to the entertainment industry.  I'm telling the truth about the voyeurism, and she knows it, like everyone else who is part of that industry.

Apparently, it's my calling to be impoverished and degraded and to have all of my warnings about what is happening ignored.  

I guess if Vice President Biden is elected, he'll be as much of a celebrity President as President Obama was.  It's a neverending nightmare.  

It would be one thing if the entertainment industry were just frivolous, but it's not just frivolous.  It abuses the public.  What's worse is that people like Halsey believe that it was destiny for them to be stars, which of course means that whatever happens to everyone else is also destiny, and then this belief system of divine right is reinforced by politicians who use them for their fan base.  

All right, Halsey, since you're all about fighting for people whom you don't know, why don't you tell Senator Sanders that I'm telling the truth about the hidden, illegal cameras that are criminally victimizing thousands of people throughout the Boston area?  Isn't that what you'd want, if you were one of the innocent, unsuspecting people being victimized? 

You want to be a hero?  Nothing's stopping you.  Tell the truth today.