Friday, April 24, 2020

Support for the bros, from the bros

What, no picture of yourself on the toilet?

You're not going to film yourself masturbating and send the video around to as many people as possible?

Why wouldn't you do that?  Don't you want everyone to respect you?  

Wait, do videos like that make people not respect whomever was filmed? No.  No way.  That's not what you and everyone else have been trying to tell yourselves and me for all these years about my being filmed without my consent.

So, here's my question.  Why do you and all the other people who know that I'm telling the truth think that it's not only funny but admirable when you do to someone something that you'd never allow to happen to you? 

Here are some more questions:

How did you woo whoever took the picture of you wearing shorts? Did you say "Come over to my place; I have hidden cameras everywhere that will record everything we do and say?"  Did you say "I'm going to spend years taking pictures and film of myself to indicate my amusement at your being filmed without your consent, and I'm going to publish them at my social media and in music videos to show off to all my friends because they're never tired of those jokes?"  Did you say "I'm going to have hidden cameras installed where you live because I want to watch you and hear you in your own home when I'm bored.  I don't care if you can never have people over to your apartment; I don't care if you have to live in ridiculed isolation for the rest of your life."  

You didn't say those things, did you? You didn't say them because you'd never live the way that you think it's funny for me to have to live, you'd never expect anyone who wasn't incredibly stupid to be flattered by continual lewd references to her being criminally victimized, and you'd never, ever threaten anyone whom you wanted to like you with making her live the way that I am forced to live.