Monday, April 27, 2020

We're not talking about dumb criminals.

These are sophisticated people, then-Judge Kavanaugh's performance at the hearings notwithstanding.  If they went around assaulting and harassing everyone, they'd have had to relinquish the reputations and power that are the most important things in their lives a long time ago.

Yes, the one woman counts or no, she doesn't.  We already have our answer in this case.  

Maybe Justice Kavanaugh's behavior at the hearings was even deliberate.  He knew he was going to be on television.  Maybe he didn't want to seem too smart.  I'm sure he thought about his presentation.  Maybe he went for the Everyman persona:  pained, falsely accused, not smug, not elitist, not assured of success, adamantly insisting on his innocence because that's all he can do.   

I hadn't thought about that before today, although at the time of the hearings it had already occurred to me that his official record of support for women was perhaps calculated to offset accusations of his youthful misconduct if those accusations were ever brought forward.  

Men who support women's rights theoretically shouldn't be so singular that they're excused for calling their victims liars.