For years, while I was negotiating, often successfully, with President Tump as if he is a person and not a caricature, you and your colleagues, the Democratic Party, and a lot of other people acted as if you were morally superior to me. Since it has been time for all of you to walk the walk about allegations of sexual misconduct against a candidate who could be replaced, every one of you has chosen personal ambition over principle.
You can call it what you want. That's what you're doing.
I never sought power. Individually and collectively, you have so much power. While homeless, persecuted, miserable and defiled, I was capable of treating President Trump as something other than a punching bag and an agreed-upon ogre to grandstand about. I did not throw my lot in with people and organizations whom I knew to be dishonest and abusive just so I could use them to escape my poverty.
I am not powerful, and yet you all treated me as if I were, as if my opinions were dangerous because they weren't identical to yours.
Then, when I gave my support to Tara Reade, you didn't. Vice President Biden and the legions of powerful people and organizations that support him have not only suppressed fair reporting of and investigation of her allegations, they have established, outside of party lines, the ability of a candidate to continue his campaign even when it is clear that he is guilty and not believed.
The Democratic Party and the media, while continuing to proclaim their moral superiority, have set a new low for how women are treated, a decade to the year after setting what was, in 2010, an unprecedented, new low.