Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Is self-pitying racism a problem that a lot of privileged, black people have?




Most of the black people whom I have known have not been privileged; far from it, so I'm really asking.

I agree with most of what Ms. Taylor wrote in her article.  I believe that what everyone goes through at work in the United States is even worse for black people, and especially for black women in profit-driven and other highly competitive environments.  When people are competing, it takes self-awareness and personal discipline that most people don't have not to use unfair advantages.  

I have to ask if Ms. Taylor or other black professionals who experience what she did talk to any of their white coworkers to find out if they have a similar experience, or if they assume from what they consider to be their impartial observations that everyone who is white is having a much more fabulous time.