Saturday, June 27, 2020

People do a lot of work to try to prevent sexual assault.

They do a lot of education work.  They do a lot of work supporting survivors.

They do a lot of that emotionally grueling work for low pay and for free.

They don't need the M&E industry, political parties, corporations, or anyone else making their efforts Sisyphean.

This is if they're getting paid and not volunteering, according to Indeed:

Mr. Puth, why don't you fuck right off now?  That goes for everyone else who promotes rape culture.  

What is particularly galling about Mr. Puth and his promotion by the entertainment industry is that he meets every criterion for white, male privilege, has had no discernible hardship during his entire life, seems even to have been coddled from infancy, and has embodied every misogynist tactic in his lyrics from rape and corruption to victim-blaming to a neverending, petulant, aggressive paranoia about being manipulated.  It would be laughable if it weren't so destructive.  

He could be the lyricist laureate for the Greek system in the United States.  

I don't have a problem with white men. I don't have a problem with people, other than trying to understand how so many of them have enjoyed making my life a hell for so many years.  As far as privilege goes, he has a lot of it, and he always has, and he has no awareness.