Friday, July 10, 2020

Don't tell me what kind of white woman to be.

From Shamann Walton's Twitter:

I have never in my life placed a racist 911 call.  I have a spent a decade being the continual target of vicious crime for which the appalling rationale has been based on every misogynist stereotype there is.  Not only did I already know when it began that calling the police would be futile, I knew that more harm than good would probably be the result.  I have lived in fear.  I live in fear now.  

Times Up didn't include me.  There are a lot of people whom it didn't include, despite the many prominent women of color associated with it.  

From Google for "sexual assault on hbcu campus":

The media didn't care about the rape of Black women then, and it doesn't care about the rape of Black women now.  The media's promotion of "Karen" demonization is misogynist, not anti-racist.  

From Google for "sexual assault on hbcu campus":

If you want to talk about the police, race and gender, why don't you talk about sexual assault against women of color? 




If you want to help Black men whose lives have been devastated, why don't you start talking to homeless people about the sexual and other physical abuse from childhood that they could never talk about, because they thought they couldn't and because nobody has ever thought to ask?