Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Gender equality. Not the last decade. Not this decade, either.

From Senator Sanders' Twitter:

"Economic, racial, social, environmental and NOT GENDER justice."

It's what all of the people who have supported Vice President Biden won't be mentioning as much as possible.

They'll talk about birth control.  They'll talk about equal pay.  Maybe they'll talk about parental leave and funding for day care.  They won't talk about sexual harassment.  They won't talk about sexual assault.  They definitely won't talk about those issues in the context of power dynamics.  They won't even talk about women being abducted and murdered.

Why wasn't this the first news story at Google today, or yesterday?

For the last couple of days, when I did have to use my phone, Google had another "Karen" story at the top of its news page.  

From Representative Garcia's Twitter:

Was any other elected official besides Representative Garcia talking about Ms. Guillen before her remains were found?  She was missing from April 22nd, when discussion of Ms. Reade's allegations was still taking place as if they mattered to the Presidential race.  One article after another was about Ms. Guillen's family begging for help, but there were nowhere near as many articles about her from that timeframe as there were articles supporting Vice President Biden.   

"Never again."  We have heard it before.  

The Tailhook scandal was in 1991.  Ms. Guillen wasn't even born yet.  There have been military scandals since then, incidents so horrifying that they're finally known about among all the others that aren't.  She lived and died while nothing changed.  

If she had been a black man who had spoken up about being mistreated but not sexually abused in the military, while the media and the Democratic Party were burying Ms. Reade's story and centering their discussions on protests about law enforcement, do you think that she would have been thrown aside the way that she was? If she'd Tweeted a "Karen" video, with headshots, could she have had more press?  She didn't do that.  All she did was go to work.