Tuesday, July 28, 2020

How many times are you going to Tweet this?

What is your problem, Ms. Chen?




This is the first part of the article, which you wrote:



Ms. Chen is Asian.  Did American Lawyer think the article would be more convincing with a picture of a black woman?

Stop using the term "Karen."  It's disgusting.  You'd be screaming your head off if someone pejoratively characterized Asian women with a first name.

I never said that Amy Cooper was a feminist icon.  What I have said is that the video starts with her about to leash her dog.  She looks up, sees that she's being recorded, and asks that Christian Cooper please stop recording her and he doesn't.  

How long after that incident did it take for a law to be passed that is going to be permanently associated with the idea that Amy Cooper is a racist on par with a murderer?  

There's no Harvey Weinstein law, is there?  For how many years did Mr. Weinstein prey on women, in publicity central, an open secret in the M&E industry, while he did fundraising for the Democratic Party?  

I was born and raised a Democrat, and I hope this is the last time that I'm going to have to say this:

Don't call me or anyone else a Karen, and leave Amy Cooper alone.