Friday, July 17, 2020

Not one so far.

How much more scrolling do you think I should do for an instance in which a "Karen" phone call resulted in a fatality?

There are, instead, many articles about women named Karen being murdered or otherwise killed.

A Google search of "man dies because white woman calls the police" has a plethora of results about the Cooper incident, even though nobody was anywhere near dying.

There is nothing in the video or in Amy Cooper's behavior before the incident or since the incident that indicates to anyone who is being reasonable that she was hoping that Christian Cooper would be hurt.  As negatively as the media has presented everything that it could possibly present negatively from her past, which it has scoured, there is nothing to indicate a history of racism from her.

She called the police because she was about to leash her dog when Mr. Cooper started filming her, she asked him to stop and he wouldn't leave her alone.

Someone who is uncomfortable because of what someone else is doing and whose attempts to verbally resolve a conflict have failed has the right to call the police.  Mr. Cooper could have called the police to report that her dog wasn't leashed without ever interacting with her.  From what he wrote at Facebook and has said in interviews, he routinely confronts dog owners, carrying dog treats, knowing from experience that the dog owners don't like to have people whom they don't know try to give their dogs food.

If you're going to be confrontational when you have other options, and you refuse to allow the subsequent situation to de-escalate when the other person is doing what you wanted and only asking that you not be humiliating, then what he or she says when upset because of your behavior should not be the basis of his or her life being ruined, you being treated as if you are a civil rights hero and a law being quickly passed and infamously associated with the other person's name forever while women's rights' advocates all over the world toil futilely for years to get laws protecting women's rights passed and enforced.

Nobody was there when the police arrived.  When Christian Cooper stopped recording, Amy Cooper let the incident go, and he didn't.  Whether or not he knew it, he is the one who tapped into a deep vein of discrimination; online misogyny has been ignored and minimized, despite its undeniable association with the murder of women.

From Google for "man dies because of karen":