Sunday, July 26, 2020

So I wasn't the first person to use the word "conglomerate."




It seems as if she left the United States permanently when she was about the age that I am now.

I watched Gone with the Wind a few months ago.  Obviously, it is terribly racist and could not be filmed today; at the time, it was thought not only normal but a movie deserving of awards.

I don't know when the conglomerate is going to decide to stop committing crime against the public and treating its victims as negligible or deserving of the abuse.  Like all abusers, particularly those who abuse together, the people who have participated in these crimes for years don't think that they are wrong; they think that those who criticize them are wrong and deserving of more abuse for criticizing them.

I have thought about leaving the United States, but there is nowhere that I could be that the conglomerate couldn't track me and make my life a hell.  I also criticize dictators and regimes in other countries, so I think being as far away from them as possible is a good idea.

Also, the United States is my home.  It isn't owned by the people here who abuse and lie to the public, as much as they act like it is.