Monday, July 27, 2020

So you're not only a hypocrite; you are also corrupt.

I'm not lying about the voyeurism that has criminally victimized what have to be now thousands of people in the Boston area since the summer of 2011, and several dozen at a Vermont homeless shelter in the late winter/early spring of the same year.  

Every politician in the country has been criminally negligent about this issue.  

You know, I'd like to be jealous of you.  I wish that my immaturity were the cause of my anger, but the fact is that you were moved toward this job in place of someone who had done a lot to try to help women and to advance racial equality.  The New York Times turned you into a political star and you are photogenic and charismatic, so much of the rest of the media has followed.  The New York Times unfairly ended your predecessor's political career and more or less slandered him by making him seem as if he didn't take you as seriously as you deserved.  You were not and are not qualified to be where you are, and your inability, through lack of experience, to consistently make good decisions, combined with the clout which you have been given and which you don't deserve, are doing a lot of damage.