Wednesday, July 8, 2020

"Supposedly" is right.

From Google for "Jezebel":

From Tracy Clark-Flory's Twitter:



Leonardo DiCaprio started the coughing harassment in 2010.  Everyone who was there then knows that he did.  

Quotes from Ms. Clark-Flory's article:




He and his friends were called the Pussy Posse.

Leonardo DiCaprio, the subject of a dissertation on gender studies.  If I were asked to read a book about quantum physics in an hour and then write a summary of it for a conference of physicists, I would be less at a loss for words at the end of the hour than I am while trying to think of what to say to the idea of Mr. DiCaprio being a challenge to a misogynist status quo.  That's because I don't know anything about physics but trying to write that summary would not provoke an irreversible cognitive breakdown as quickly.  

I didn't know that teen heartthrobs were there to feel things that I'm not supposed to feel.  There are all sorts of feelings that I have had, am having and am going to have for the rest of my life because of the decade and counting of abuse that's been inflicted on me, feelings that I shouldn't have to have while everyone who has participated in the abuse goes on with his or her life and has his or her past lovingly eulogized while my past continues to be mined for gossip and to excuse the abuse as if it's retroactive and deserved punishment.

"Jezebel" considers itself to be an alternative source of media for serious and frivolous subjects, doesn't it?  A supporter of women's rights and other forms of equality and positive social change? 

This is the reality being constructed by an alternative source, in addition to the traditional sources which don't offer the slightest confrontation to the version of Mr. DiCaprio's life that he presents from year to year?